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The Benefits of Building A Solid Team and BEEing POTsitive About Our Passion with Pam Tures

June 14, 2022

The Benefits of Building A Solid Team and BEEing POTsitive About Our Passion with Pam Tures

In this episode, Pam Tures brings a magnificent example of how liberating can be to develop a good second in command and a solid staff we can rely on.

As the co-owner of Lee Hill Auto Service, Pam built a supportive team that gave her the freedom to nurture her passion for artistic expression. She founded Bee-Potsitive Creations, the space where she produces fused glass and pottery sculptures, one of them recently accepted by the Smithsonian Museum on her work depicting her perception of COVID. 

Throughout our conversation, Pam talks about how she got into pottery and glass sculptures, the empowerment and freedom gained from building a reliable team in her business, and the moment she got the email from the Smithsonian Museum announcing they accepted her artwork be exhibited. She also describes the turning point when she realized and convinced herself that her art was worthy and valuable to folks and the importance of instilling an independent mindset in our internal customers. 

Some Questions I Ask:

  • Could you talk about your business, Bee-Potsitive Creations? (1:57)
  • You didn’t consider yourself an artist, right? You had a journey with all of that. Can you speak to that a little bit? (14:16)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Pam shares a bit about her journey and her relationship with art (6:09)
  • About how the art piece soon to be exhibited at the Smithsonian Museum was born (9:03)
  • How Pam embraced the idea that she was a business owner and an artist (17:35)
  • Pam talks about how refreshing it is to come back to the business after spending quality time with our passion (23:14)


Jimmy Lea | Product Evangelist at KUKUI

These are what you will get from listening to Kim Hickey on Maximum Octane. Kim is not shy nor will she hide behind the safe questions. She will always dig deep asking great questions to get to the core of the issue/topic.

Insight, Information, and Engagement 

Barney Fein

Take it to the Max with Kim, her peddle to the metal energy and insight will spark your business success!

Go to the front of the pack

Amy Rookwood

Never would have thought a podcast by an auto repair shop would have such useful information for a life coach! Kim is open, unconventional and totally easy to listen to. Loved her background story and this non-auto-centered woman can’t wait to hear more!


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