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Identifying the Toys We Use More And Discarding the Rest with Randy Dean

April 5, 2022

Identifying the Toys We Use More And Discarding the Rest with Randy Dean

Accumulating stuff we barely use is something almost all of us are guilty of. It has become a national issue, thousands of storage facilities around the country are full, and all of them have a waiting list.

The stuff we refuse to throw away or sell occupies a physical space in our homes or offices, consuming our time and energy. That is why decluttering has multiple benefits, and our guest, Randy Dean, visits us to share his most efficient decluttering techniques.

Randy Dean, The E-mail Sanity Expert®, is a professional speaker and expert on time & e-mail management, effective organization, and technology use. He is the owner of Randall Dean Consulting & Training LLC. Randy was featured in the Washington Times, Detroit News, The Globe and Mail, and Business Week Online, among many others. He is a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) and the Florida and Michigan Society of Association Executives.

In this episode, Randy talks about the harmful effects of accumulating on our sleeping quality and overall wellness and how we can determine whether an item we keep is useful and valuable for us or not. Randy invites us to reassess our relationship with the stuff we accumulate and realize that the real value of things depends on how much we use them. Randy also shares impeccable advice on dealing with the lost papers over our desks at the workspace.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About how accumulating things affect our health (5:39)
  • Randy’s invitation to evaluate our relationship with the stuff we own(7:23)
  • If you don’t use something twice a year, you should rent it, not own it (10:19)
  • How do we determine the value of the objects we accumulate (12:32)
  • The pick and roll. The less stuff we own, the less time we spend dealing with it (20:51)
  • How to organize the loose papers in our offices (24:18)


Jimmy Lea | Product Evangelist at KUKUI

These are what you will get from listening to Kim Hickey on Maximum Octane. Kim is not shy nor will she hide behind the safe questions. She will always dig deep asking great questions to get to the core of the issue/topic.

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Barney Fein

Take it to the Max with Kim, her peddle to the metal energy and insight will spark your business success!

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Amy Rookwood

Never would have thought a podcast by an auto repair shop would have such useful information for a life coach! Kim is open, unconventional and totally easy to listen to. Loved her background story and this non-auto-centered woman can’t wait to hear more!


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