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Take Your Auto Repair Shop Further Faster with George Zeeks

April 4, 2023

Take Your Auto Repair Shop Further Faster with George Zeeks

Being endlessly unsatisfied with how far you’ve taken your auto repair shop is not a bad thing; it is what you need to avoid hitting a plateau, promote constant growth among your internal customers, and feel fulfilled. 

This week, I’m joined by George Zeeks, Certified Life Coach and ICF Executive Coach, to talk about how to go further faster with your auto repair shop. 

Throughout our conversation, George explains why establishing ambitious goals is crucial to avoid hitting plateaus and feeling unsatisfied, the difference between being unsatisfied and unhappy, and why being afraid of losing what you conquered in the automotive industry can paralyze you. 

George also talks about the region-beta paradox, the secret to feeling fulfilled at work, and so much more. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • What is the region-beta paradox? (6:16)
  • Happiness is the moment just before you want more happiness (8:01)
  • Why it is crucial to set massive goals in front of us (12:13)
  • You must have something to strive for as an auto repair shop CEO (20:26)
  • The things you cover in your car repair shop are the ones you see every day (22:56)
  • A story about happiness, fulfillment, and passion (27:45)


Jimmy Lea | Product Evangelist at KUKUI

These are what you will get from listening to Kim Hickey on Maximum Octane. Kim is not shy nor will she hide behind the safe questions. She will always dig deep asking great questions to get to the core of the issue/topic.

Insight, Information, and Engagement 

Barney Fein

Take it to the Max with Kim, her peddle to the metal energy and insight will spark your business success!

Go to the front of the pack

Amy Rookwood

Never would have thought a podcast by an auto repair shop would have such useful information for a life coach! Kim is open, unconventional and totally easy to listen to. Loved her background story and this non-auto-centered woman can’t wait to hear more!


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