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Using Culture And Reputation To Build A Bench For Your Auto Shop with Roy Keiser

June 13, 2023

Using Culture And Reputation To Build A Bench For Your Auto Shop with Roy Keiser

It is known that “the tool guys” talk to each other about their jobs and the auto shops they work for. Word-of-mouth recommendations work not only for getting new customers; it also works for attracting top-tier internal customers. Attracting top talent and retaining them depends on your auto shop’s culture, reputation, how clearly you set expectations, and focusing more on personality traits than technical skills when hiring. 

In today’s episode, I’m joined by Roy Keiser to talk about culture, reputation, top talent retention, and how to build a bench in the automotive industry. Roy is a Partner at Honest Accurate Auto Service in East Colorado Springs. Part of Roy’s auto shop success is due to their unique family-friendly customer experience, delivered by personnel who combine integrity with superior technical knowledge and hold each other accountable. 

Throughout our conversation, Roy talks about his journey into the automotive industry and how he built the reputation and culture that allowed him to form a highly competitive bench. We also talk about the importance of setting clear expectations, how to hire the right technician, and much more.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • About how Roy got into the automotive industry (2:30)
  • How to build a dream team of techs (5:00)
  • Use your reputation to create a highly competitive bench (7:30)
  • The importance of setting clear expectations (10:40)
  • What should you look for in a technician (16:40)


Jimmy Lea | Product Evangelist at KUKUI

These are what you will get from listening to Kim Hickey on Maximum Octane. Kim is not shy nor will she hide behind the safe questions. She will always dig deep asking great questions to get to the core of the issue/topic.

Insight, Information, and Engagement 

Barney Fein

Take it to the Max with Kim, her peddle to the metal energy and insight will spark your business success!

Go to the front of the pack

Amy Rookwood

Never would have thought a podcast by an auto repair shop would have such useful information for a life coach! Kim is open, unconventional and totally easy to listen to. Loved her background story and this non-auto-centered woman can’t wait to hear more!


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