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Learning the Secrets of Hypnotherapy and its Benefits with Robert Radnoti

November 23, 2021

Learning the Secrets of Hypnotherapy and its Benefits with Robert Radnoti

Every time someone mentions hypnosis, the first image that comes to mind is grandpa’s pocketwatch balancing in front of someone, and five minutes later, the hypnotized person is quacking like a duck or running in the house pretending to be a chicken. Actually, hypnosis is about overwhelming the conscious mind and making it want to escape to the subconscious. It’s a state of mind we reach several times a day; it happens when we drive our car home and don’t remember doing it or when we are watching a movie or TV. When we are hypnotized, our minds are in a state entirely open for suggestions; that is why advertising works so well. 

Today, our guest, Robert Radnoti, a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Podcast Host, and Life Coach, explains how hypnosis works and enlights our show with his infectious positive energy. Robert is a Chemical Engineer with experience working for Exxon, who then decided to become a high school Track and Field Coach, and then moved to a University Division One Program and became their Head Coach. As a Head Coach of Pepperdine University, he had to compete with UCLA and other prominent universities. He wanted to beat them so badly that he thought of learning hypnosis to hypnotize his students and help them run faster.   

The good news is that after a few hypnosis sessions, some students started improving their performances. The bad news is that Robert’s Athletic Director called and informed him he wasn’t allowed to do that. 

In this episode, Robert shares parts of his incredible life journey from Chemical Engineer to Track and Field Coach to Hypnotherapist. We explore the benefits of hypnotherapy, understand how our mind works a little better, and get some valuable tips to implement in our lives and get the best of ourselves. 

Tune in to episode 4 of Maximum Octane, and learn about the power of rewiring our minds, hypnotherapy, and positive thinking.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • You live life to the fullest. So can you talk to me about that a little bit? (2:33)
  • How do you go from being a chemical engineer to a Hypnotherapist? (4:31)
  • Life can swing at us pretty hard, right? How do you not let that get the best of you? How do you turn that around? (17:35)

In this episode, you will learn:

  • A lifelong journey. What were some of the changes and shifts Robert went through during his life (2:45)
  • The arm raising technique. How did Robert hypnotize his students to help them run faster (7:12)
  • We are hypnotized several times a day, every day (13:31)
  • How can understanding how our mind works help us (19:01)


Jimmy Lea | Product Evangelist at KUKUI

These are what you will get from listening to Kim Hickey on Maximum Octane. Kim is not shy nor will she hide behind the safe questions. She will always dig deep asking great questions to get to the core of the issue/topic.

Insight, Information, and Engagement 

Barney Fein

Take it to the Max with Kim, her peddle to the metal energy and insight will spark your business success!

Go to the front of the pack

Amy Rookwood

Never would have thought a podcast by an auto repair shop would have such useful information for a life coach! Kim is open, unconventional and totally easy to listen to. Loved her background story and this non-auto-centered woman can’t wait to hear more!


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